The cry of the Himalayas

Come; let me tell you a tale;
But be warned beforehand; that it is not hearty or gale,
For even though I am the youngest of my kind;
I am much older than you can mind,

This tale is of my mother and her offspring;
And the destruction that a tantrum can bring,
For yes that is what this is;
The tantrum of an imbecile child in an attempt to tame that powerful mother of his,

This child, who was a symbol of love and care;
A child whose protection for us was to be a prayer,
A youngest who was our mother’s heir;
A youngest we were to follow without restraint or care,

However, this imprudent child forgot what he was taught;
Forgot what he should never have aught,
And in his prideful endeavour;
Went about taming his creator,

He lashed out with his technology and machine;
Polluting everything that was once clean and pristine,
His every attack leaving us bloody and scarred;
Our beautiful mother, now marred and charred,

Now, we wounded children, are rising to fight back;
To respond to each scar and hack,
We curse you; you impudent child;
To learn how dangerous is the ‘wild’ when riled,

We curse you to see your offsprings suffer and hurt;
As we return you to dirt,
As you sow; so shall you reap,
As did we, so shall you weep;
So, remember this story when you see;
The destruction Mother Nature can bring to be.

-by Akshita Misra

You’re never weird on the internet (almost) – thank you Felicia Day

I have sort of been MIA for the last few weeks, but that was part laziness and partly because my other system was down and my mother needed to use this one. However, I have finally gotten around to writing my opinion piece on one of those rear books I fell in love with. Felicia Day, gamer, actor, businesswoman, writer, director, producer and I don’t even know what all, is a person I have admired for a few years now because of her role on the show Supernatural. Admittedly, I knew nothing about her apart from that. So, when she came to write her memoir, I hoped and hoped she would talk about the show. Despite all the reviews saying otherwise, I went ahead and bought the book, and boy am I glad I did.

To keep it short and simple, I LOVED THE BOOK! basically go out there and buy it. I am not someone who enjoys biographies and memoirs, but like I said, this one was an exception. The book honestly felt like you were sitting with Felicia having a cup of coffee and talking about her life. The conversational tone belied what many would have made into a ‘awwww poor girl’ story. Felicia tells it like it is, while keeping drama and self-pity at the very minimum. The book was like a burst of fresh air, after reading thrillers for some time. It made me smile, tear up, jump up and down with glee, burst out laughing, shaking my head in fondness, basically everything you want a good book to do for you.

In the beginning Felicia promises to give you a bunch of life quotes through the book, and she did not disappoint. I here have summed up SOME of my favourite quotes from the book.

“the world opened up for me once I decided to embrace who I am – unapologetically”

“we are bringing an empty bookshelf, life is what we fill it with”

“with responsibility comes great admiration”

“Growing up without being judged by other kids allowed me to be okay with liking things no-one else liked”

” Knowing yourself is life’s eternal homework”

“How wonderful it is to connect with like-minded people. No matter how lonely and isolated and starved for connection you area, there’s always the possibility in the online world that you can find a place to be accepted, or discover a friendship that started with the smallest of interests but could last a lifetime. ”

“it’s harder to perform in front of five of your friends than five hundred strangers.”

“Don’t chase perfection for perfection’s sake or for anyone else’s sake at all. If you strive for something, make sure it’s for the right reasons. And if you fail, that will be a better lesson for you than any success you’ll ever have. Because you learn a lot from screwing up… and make sure if you’re working hard at something its in a subject you actually want to remember something about ten years later.”

“I wanted to find a dream that I couldn’t live without pursuing”

“Never let the truth stop you from getting what you want”

“when the system you want to be a part of so badly turns into someone you’re unhappy with and lose sight of yourself, is it worth it? Er.. probably not”

“I’ve always felt like a failure inside if I’m not already a success”

“No problem is insurmountable if you’re willing to be creative and bat your eyelashes a little”

“You’re never weird when you’re surrounded by people who are weird like you”

“I love the idea of breaking the system. And the beauty of the internet is that it gives everyone, especially unrepresented voices, the opportunity to do a little breaking”

So in the end, I will sum it up simply to say, go ahead and read it, whether you are an actor or not, a gamer or not, a recluse or not, I am pretty sure you will enjoy it.

The things Harry Potter taught me

Harry Potter, I am pretty sure that the proportion of people who have been teens in the late 1990s- early 2000s and haven’t read these amazing seven books; is a very small proportion. Personally they are one of my absolute favourites. Perhaps because they were the first books I owned apart from Enid Blyton. Recently I came across a post saying James Sirius Potter, Harry’s first born (and yes I refer to them as real people, deal with it) starts Hogwarts this year, as a Gryffindor! I cheered out loud at that and decided to re-read some of the books again. That of course made me want to write this blog.

I know I am not the first one to write such a post, but really wanted to share why Harry Potter is important to me, so please bear with me. Of course, if any one wants to share their own favourites from this series, or any book for that matter, please drop a comment, would love to hear it. takes courage to stand up to your friends

2. Sometimes you have to break the rules to do what is right

3. There are More Important things than textbook knowledge, such as loyalty and bravery is the choices we make that define us

5. you are truly gone from this world when nobody is loyal to you'_Patronus.jpg’_Patronus.jpg

6. The simplest of acts can go a long way

7. Our reasons for our actions are only known to us

8. there is no magic more powerful than love

9. Even in the darkest of times sometimes all you need is a good laugh

10. The dead we love never truly leave us. We recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble